Archangel's Kiss Page 3
Every other Friday, I would throw an unforgettable party in one of my glass-encased boats. It was a very restricted and private event where only a few lucky ones could join. We would invite gorgeous girls, famous people, rich spoiled playboys, and a handful of selected tourists with the promise of an unforgettable cruise on the river Seine. The trip had a panoramic view of the most important monuments like the Cathedral of Notre Dame and passing by the Eiffel Tower. Of course, it was just an excuse to find new prey and to lure young women to our beds.
Girls stood in lines on the pier to be selected. Every time, ten random girls would be chosen to spend an unforgettable night with my men and me. We charmed them off their feet, drank their blood, used their bodies, and sent them home, totally unaware of what had happened to them. Compelling them to forget the feeding was one of the perks of being a creature of the night. Obviously, we would only let in the hottest girls.
That night, something happened that I wasn’t expecting. I left the captain’s cabin to join my guests when all my senses became fascinated by a young girl in a Lolita dress. The people around me were having fun, drinking and talking over the loud music, but I singled her out in the crowd and kept following her every move.
The girl had big eyes, brown like her wavy and long hair that the wind kept whipping against her face. Even if she’s wasn’t ugly, she didn’t seem to belong there. I wouldn’t have looked twice if I’d seen her pass on the street. Too young and innocent weren’t my type. So why am I attracted to her? Why was my nose selecting her scent and my eyes roaming up and down her figure?
She seemed clumsy and out of place, bumping against everything while being run over by others.
Calling for my first in command, Gerard, I inquired, “Who’s that girl and who let her in?”
“I have no idea, sir,” Gerard said after staring at the girl I was pointing at. She was shy and kept adjusting her glasses against her nose like a frightened kitten.
“So find out!” I growled.
He turned on his heels and left.
Clenching my jaw, I grabbed a drink from a waiter and tried to distract myself by talking with my beautiful female guests. It was pointless. Her presence was a beacon of light in the darkest night.
Moments after, Gerard came back, and we went to talk privately.
Bowing his head, he informed me, “She came with Sean’s new obsession. The tall and good-looking girl with green eyes and gorgeous legs.”
I sighed with impatience as I looked around, trying to find Gabby. Sean wanted to seduce her and make her his pet. I thought she was just using him to get into my pubs and my private parties. I had caught her staring at me with lustful eyes, trying to get my attention with her generous cleavage. She wasn’t my type. I had girls like her in every corner of every place. Besides, we could be selfish bastards, but we wouldn’t hit on someone else’s prey. We had a code. Gabby had been claimed by Sean. She was off limits to everybody else until he got enough of her.
Frowning, Gerard asked, “Do you want me to escort her out?”
“How are you planning to escort her out? We are on a boat,” I snapped at him as I pressed the glass harder between my fingers.
“She’s…just…a kid,” Gerard said the obvious as he looked down at where she was. “She’s not even that attractive with that ugly dress and those glasses.”
“That’s why I didn’t understand what she was doing here.”
“Sean let her in to please his pet.”
“Do you smell her from here?”
Gerard looked at me with puzzled eyes. “Can you?”
“Is she human?”
“Yes. She poses no threat.”
I nodded as I played with the glass between my fingers. “There’s something about her…” I muttered.
Gerard pursed his lips. “The boat has to make a final stop. I can escort her off and send her home.”
I mused as I drank the rest of the alcohol. Sighing, I called one of the waiters, placing my glass on a tray and grabbing a new one. “Let her be. I’ll talk to Sean later. I don’t like having guests on my boat without my authorization. She’s clearly out of place.”
“I’m sure we don’t need to be concerned about her being an enemy in disguise,” my man said as his lips curled into a smirk.
I glared at him. I knew she wasn’t a witch or any other supernatural creature. She smelled deliciously human. Still, that didn’t mean that I wanted her here. She was making me experience strange reactions. I didn’t like to lose control over my emotions.
Arching an eyebrow, Gerard asked, “Is there anything else you need, sir?”
“No, just control the men and don’t let anything bad happen. I don’t want any of those idiots to lose control and for someone to get killed.”
“We have a lot of willing prey, and the youngest ones are being supervised by the oldest,” he stated, and I looked at him, pleased. “Sir, just relax and have fun. I have everything under control.”
“I hope you do.”
Glancing away from the girl’s figure, I ignored the peculiar sensation in my chest and went on with my own business. I had people to meet, guest to greet, and a line of hot women ready to go with me to my private quarters so that I could feast on their necks. I had a craving for something exotic that night—someone with olive skin and big brown eyes. They usually tasted like summer, and I was craving summer that night.
Chapter FOUR
I was feeling everything but relaxed. There was a dangerous aura surrounding the boat that was making me want to run and hide. It could also be the fact that I didn't like crowds, and Gabby had left me alone. I think she didn't want me around. She was off somewhere, talking with a tall, handsome guy with raven hair and blue eyes. He smiled at her as if she had some kind of spell on him. It was clear that he had a huge crush on her or loved her. I didn’t know. I don’t understand what love is. Well, my parents seem to be in love. But it’s a mature love. They share more than physical attraction, they share intellect. I guess that having a loving family, with parents who are madly in love, made me picky about my future relationships. I expect nothing less than love from a man. If there was such a man willing to look at me twice.
My first night in Paris wasn’t working quite as I had planned. The music was too loud, and the crowd was noisy. Everybody was in groups, drinking and talking. Others were on an improvised main dance floor, dancing their hearts out. Everyone had huge grins on their faces, happy to be there. Not to mention that the women were dressed like they were at the Oscars! I was feeling like an ugly duckling amongst these people.
At least, the view was gorgeous. I found a safe place in a corner, away from the fuss, and became enthralled by the city. I held my breath when I saw the City Hall and, from the other side of the river, I noticed the Notre-Dame. Despite being alone and feeling like a little girl at a grown-up party, the trip was worth it just for the view. If only I had brought my camera to take pictures! My phone wouldn't do the trick. The image would be blurry and dark. Maybe I could make the trip again, another night, on another boat with tourists like the ones that were passing by our boat. There were a lot of other boats on the river. Which was surprising since it was night. Paris is the city of light; everybody knows that. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling of a cold darkness surrounding everything.
The moon in the sky was huge, but I couldn't see the stars as there was too much light for that. Nevertheless, up in the air, away from the lights of the city, stood an empty dark space that caught my eyes for a long time. At least, until my thoughts were interrupted by a sexy voice next to me.
“Quelque chose que ne va pas, mademoiselle?” a tall and gorgeous French man asked me.
I stared at him, wholly awestruck, and had no clue as to what he had just said.
“I don’t understand,” I babbled, feeling my cheeks turn red and my heart pounding in my chest. I quickly stared down at my feet only to see his hands holding two flutes of champagne.
/> “So, you aren’t from around here?” he asked in English.
I looked up, getting caught in his mesmerizing brown eyes. His face was familiar. I haven’t seen him before, but I had seen him around the boat, staring at the crowd with pensive eyes. Who wouldn't notice him? He was drop-dead gorgeous. He looked like Prince Charming.
“No.” That was the only word I could think of.
“Was there something interesting in the sky?” he inquired, drinking a sip of the champagne while offering me the other flute.
I declined with my hands, feeling ashamed after doing so. I wasn’t allowed to drink alcohol. I had never tasted champagne either.
“A girl that doesn’t drink. That’s a first,” he said with a dazzling smile.
I felt my legs lose their strength. He was so handsome, it hurt to keep my gaze on his face.
He placed the flutes on a tray of a waiter who happened to pass by. “Aren't you liking the party?”
“No. I mean yes. Why?” I asked, unsure why he would come and talk to me.
Putting his hands in his pockets, he indulged my curiosity. “You are the only one who isn't smiling at this party. Besides, I couldn't help but notice that you are here by yourself.”
It was hard to concentrate on what he was saying. I could only stare at his lips. I should act more mature and stop drooling.
Trying to put enough air in my lungs, I built the courage to face him, taking in how hot and elegantly dressed he was. He also had a mysterious sparkle in his eyes. There was something about him that drew me near. He smelled like heaven. He must be wearing some expensive male cologne. France is known for its fragrances. Gabby had a ton of designer perfumes in her bedroom. She let me try them before coming to the party. But, I was sure I didn’t smell that good.
“I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you?” the young man asked with furrowed brows.
I was just staring at his face like an idiot. I am smarter than this, so why have I lost my ability to form coherent sentences around him?
I gulped. “No, I'm sorry. I'm not alone. I came with my cousin. She’s around here somewhere with her boyfriend. Actually, her parents forced her to bring me along. I was better off at home. I've just arrived today from California. I've always wanted to come to Paris. It was my parents’ birthday gift,” I explained, giving away too much information and looking like a silly girl, no doubt. I felt my cheeks burn brighter.
“Yes, Gabby is your cousin,” he said, smiling once again.
This time, I didn’t smile back. Why would he know something like that? Why would he care to know something like that?
“I'm Philippe,” he introduced himself. “And you are Aria, right?”
I believe the look of astonishment couldn't be concealed from my face. He had a beautiful French name and knew my name. He knows my name! A man attempting to flirt with me wasn’t typical. Actually, that’s never happened before. Are French men that different from American boys?
He leaned down and asked closer to my blank face, “Didn't I remember your name correctly?”
I nodded, still panicking and sweating like the clumsy fool I was.
“It’s a lovely name. Aria,” he said with his French accent that made my head spin and my throat dry.
Jesus, does he have permission to be this sexy? It was like God was extremely inspired when he made him. God? Okay, I'm losing it. He’s the product of genes. He probably has a gorgeous Mom and a handsome Dad who combined their DNA and created that charming and stunning creature. We have to be amazed by nature to create something like him.
Someone slap me out of my stupid fantasies, please!
“Philippe is a ni-ce na-me too,” I stuttered.
Rolling my eyes, I wished for a hammer to slam me across the floor, so I could hide from my smooth talk. Yes, I have a really nice way with words. It comes from all the practice I’ve had talking to guys, which is none whatsoever.
He smiled, and I frowned when he asked, “Aren't you liking my party?”
Blood must have drained from my face. “Your party?”
That’s just great! He was the rich guy Gabby couldn’t stop talking about. Come to think about it, they had the same name, so I had to be pretty stupid not to realize it sooner. But, I had come to terms about my IQ experiencing problems since he came to talk to me.
“Yes, you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“I'm enjoying the view,” I explained, pointing at the buildings on the shore. “I don’t know anyone else here,” I whispered, so he would be the only one to hear me.
Even if I was in a foreign country, English was a widely spoken and understood language. Therefore, a lot of people there could follow our conversation. Many were staring at us with curiosity since I had the host in front of me, giving me attention. Then it hit me. He was just being polite and talking with everybody at the party. How stupid can I be? He was not hitting on me. Not that I thought he was. He was probably intrigued by my presence there. Yet, he had asked my cousin about me. Maybe to make sure I wasn’t an uninvited person who had snuck into his party.
“Do you do that often?” he asked.
I frowned, having no idea of what he was talking about. Is he complaining about my contemplation of the view or my inability to mingle with strangers?
He explained as if reading my mind, “Staring at the sky.”
“No,” I replied.
Leaning against the railing, a cold breeze circled around my legs as I tried to control my anxiety.
“Can you see anything there?” he asked, pointing at the black sky next to the moon.
I turned around to look at where he was pointing. Tilting my head, I simply replied, “The city lights don’t let the stars appear.”
His hands grabbed the railway next to me as he stepped closer and looked down at the river in silence.
The water swirled in waves under the speed of the boat. Yet, I could barely listen to the sound of the engine because of the loud music.
When I looked up, he was staring at me. My cheeks burned as I wet my lips. My lungs seemed unable to function since he came to talk to me. A few more moments of awkward silence followed. His eyes were still on my face, and I had no clue as to what could be so interesting about me.
“I'm sure you have other people to meet. I’ll just go and mingle,” I said, trying to slip my way out of there and let him continue to greet people.
He grabbed my hand, and I froze. Staring at his face, I glimpsed a floating blackness in his eyes as I choked on an unwilling gasp. There was something wrong about him.
I startled myself and tried to take my hand away from his.
“It was not my intention to scare you,” he declared, staring at my hand and putting his other hand over it. His touch sent a wave of quivers down my spine. “I just want to talk to you a bit more.”
My stomach started to feel as if it were clenching and unclenching. That was an intense and unexpected chemical reaction. Guys don’t usually touch me, but I had never felt anything like that before.
I tried to breathe and get a hold of my body. I looked at him, hoping that he wasn’t aware of my overwhelming attraction to him. Luckily, he seemed too distracted to notice; staring at my hand, massaging it, and feeling my pulse. I wondered if he was experiencing the same strange feelings I had in my stomach. Was he aware of the reaction that our touch created?
Things got stranger when he leaned forward and brought my hand to his mouth. He feathered my skin with a kiss. Not only that, I could feel the tip of his tongue licking me. Weird behavior aside, a gasp managed to go up my throat somehow, and out of my mouth. My skin shivered, my eyes shut with pleasure, and I was incapable of controlling my body. I reached some sort of nirvana that made me tremble and sigh. I had to bite my lower lip and get a hold of my legs, so I wouldn’t fall on the floor. But, I wouldn't mind falling into his arms. Desire completely possessed my mind.
If I were in control of all my faculties, I would probably be feeling mortified. That type
of behavior outran embarrassment by a long shot.
The next thing I remembered, he was whispering in my ear, breaking through my walls and asking me to go with him. Apparently, Gabby had sent him to get me. I doubted that. I wasn’t that stupid. He had asked if I was there alone. None of the brief conversation we had made any sense. The type of reaction I was experiencing was unpredicted. I didn’t love him. I barely knew the guy. Why is my body so aroused and willing to follow him anywhere? The attraction wasn’t an excuse to act like a silly girl and follow a total stranger. My parents taught me better.
“I don’t want to go,” I said, trying to move away from him.
He took a step back and stared at me. For a moment there, I thought his eyes were black like the night sky and that his mouth had…fangs? But, I could be imagining things.
He smiled at me, showing his perfect white teeth, with no signs of weird canines. His eyes were brown again. I felt stupid. I should probably stop watching so many vampire movies. They were clouding my judgment. There was no such thing as vampires. I should know that. My dream was to become a respectable scientist, not a hunter of myths.
“Don’t be silly, Aria,” he whispered.
I swallowed hard. There was something about his cocky tone that scared me.
Leaning closer to my face, he stated, “I always get what I want.” He stared deeply into my eyes, and I lost all will to disobey. “Now, you will do whatever I want, silly girl. And you will start by following me wherever I want.”
He grabbed my wrist and walked away with me, pulling me in the process. I could only obey, feeling my feet walk on their own will. I tried to talk, but my voice didn’t come out, and I was incapable of asking for help.
Chapter FIVE
I tried to get myself distracted. I went to the deck, mingled with the guests, and flirted with the new girls. I didn’t like to use my vampire-enthralling gift on them. I was rich and handsome. I had hundreds of women falling at my feet, dreaming of getting into my bed. I could have been a rock star. Hell, a famous actor! I had the charm and the looks. My only problem was immortality and my thirst for blood. I had to stay away from the cameras and the magazines. It was much easier to be a vampire when the media wasn’t always covering the events and looking for gossip. I had to redefine myself ten times in the last century. New names, new identities, new businesses. I even bought magazines and journals to control what the media wrote about when reporting the strange events that happened in Paris. Having missing girls and gruesome homicides in the news was not good for business.